Teaching Philosophy
Rebecca’s teaching looks to historical methodologies used in cultural history to teach students how to read a variety of objects—and the content that it bears—to expose how prosaic narratives and social movements can intervene in architecture’s history.
    My goals as a teacher include delivering cross-cultural content that helps students develop a relationship to historical knowledge. The content is delivered in a non-universal manner that integrates non-western and subaltern voices.
    I ask students to think about their subjective position in relation to the course content. This includes offering students an open environment within the shelter of the classroom, where time for reflection, sharing and the exchange of ideas is supported.
    My goals also include developing different ways that students can participate in class. Opportunities for students to practice participation in different capacities such as student-led, group discussions, drawings or observation notes are reinforced. Lastly, developing equitable testing has also been at the forefront of my instructional goals. I’ve worked to write assignments that are relatable to different learning styles, incorporating fact-based, slide identification alongside more thematic, concept-driven short answer questions.
Rebecca Choi - Teaching MethodologiesRebecca Choi - Watts Towers Tour (USC 444)